[python-win32] Fwd: [Tutor] Format columns in Excel

Terje Johan Abrahamsen terjeja@hotmail.com
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 22:14:37 +0000

I am trying to change a column in Excel with Win32Com. So far I have
tried this:

class chkxl:
    xlApp = Dispatch("Excel.Application")
    agent = xlApp.Workbooks("agent.xls").Sheets("Sheet1")
def __init__(self):
    chkxl.agent.Columns(10).Style.Name = "number"

(There is more to it, so for example chkxl.agent.Cells(2,2).Value =
"Hello" works)

The style.Name = "number" I found with the helper in Excel. It is
supposed to work in VBA, but doesn't seem to work in Python. What
would I write to get it to make the column into numbers?


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