[python-win32] Package Py ActiveX object as self-register DLL??

Niki Spahiev niki@vintech.bg
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 11:36:39 +0300

Kelly McDonald wrote:
> Hello list,
> I am wanting to break away from MS products, and python looks as if it 
> will be my choice for many things. I do, however have some questions 
> about ActiveX objects.
> I am wanting to develop AX objects in python, but I want to wrap them up 
> into a self-contained DLL or OCX or something.
> Is there a tool (like py2exe) that will allow me to do that? Or is there 
> another, NON MS tool that will allow me to do that with minimal/no cost??
> Any options will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Kelly McDonald.

You can use Python Installer from McMillan plus small patch from me.

Niki Spahiev