[python-win32] Newbie Access question

Jorgensen, Jens jens.jorgensen@tallan.com
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 14:13:22 -0600

Heath Lang wrote:

>I recently started writing an interface to an Access table using Python.
>Everything is proceeding fine, but I'm having problems Autofilling an entry
>box.  I was considering executing a sql command everytime the user entered a
>letter in the entrybox.  And the SQL command would fill the subsequent menu.
>But there has to be an easier way.  Any suggestions would be greatly
>appreciated.  Thanks.
>Python-win32 mailing list
I don't think there really is an easier way. That is, there really isn't 
any magic to this kind of thing. What you probably want to do is preload 
the values for the column and then trap keystroke events as they are 
typed and match up to the typed characters. I'm sure running a query for 
each keystroke will be prohibitively expensive.

Jens B. Jorgensen