[python-win32] (no subject)

Breuer, Andre (Germany) BreuerA@paxfn.net
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 08:33:49 -0500

Hey folks,

I'd like to use Excel spread sheets for some .csv data files. Here is
my problem. I gathered few commands e.g. start Excel, open
new spread sheet, etc. It was not easy to get each single
command. Do you have any idea how to get a lists,etc. 
which includes most of the useful commands for using Excel?
I am also interested in commands for Acrobat Reader and MSWord.

I would appreciate some help.

          Andre' Breuer   <<...OLE_Obj...>> 	

 German Aerospace Engineer
      Assigned to PMA-261            
     Phone  (301) 757 5760
     FAX     (301) 757 5109
