[python-win32] New python user - first question

Robb Allen myself@robballen.com
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 15:43:03 -0400

Yup. That was the problem. I knew it was relatively easy.

Now, the problem I'm having is that I changed foo.py, but ASP doesn't
recognize the change. It still assumes that the file has the same functions
in it. How do I 'flush the cache' so to speak?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Abrams" <jabrams@publishingresources.com>
To: "Robb Allen" <myself@robballen.com>
Cc: <Python-win32@python.org>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: [python-win32] New python user - first question

> No poking fun here, one time I spent 2 days trying to uncover very
> strange bugs in my test.py module.
> Then someone let me onto the hint that python has a built in module named
> As soon as I renamed my module to something else all worked fine.
> --
> Jim Abrams
> RA> I'm new to Python. Been running with it for a whopping 4 days. I come
from a
> RA> background using VBScript and Java and have found Python to
> RA> solve some problems I've encountered.
> RA> Just trying to get a basic web page up through IIS and am having a
what I am
> RA> sure to be a newbie issue, but it's the one thing I can't seem to fix.
> RA> have a page on a web site called "test.py". test.py looks like this
> RA> def foo(a):
> RA>     return a
> RA> Then, the asp page looks like this
> RA> <%@ LANGUAGE = Python %>
> RA> <%
> RA> import test
> RA> test.foo('hello')
> %>>
> RA> When I run it, I get "AttributeError: 'test' module has no attribute
> RA> Reeeeal simple, but I'm missing something. Anyone care to poke fun at
> RA> newbie?
> RA> R
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