[python-uk] JOBS: Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science

Peter Inglesby peter.inglesby at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 14:14:48 EDT 2024

Hi all,

At the Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science
<https://www.bennett.ox.ac.uk/> at Oxford University we're building core
data infrastructure for the NHS, and we're recruiting for a range of
software engineers, managers, and product managers.

There are links to job descriptions in this blog post
Applications close at midday on 8th May.

Our main project is OpenSAFELY <https://www.opensafely.org/>, a platform to
let researchers access highly sensitive health data without ever being able
to see the data themselves.  We built this on a shoestring during the early
days of the pandemic (among other things it was used to investigate factors
associated with dying of covid, monitor the progress of the vaccine
rollout, and study vaccine efficiency).  We now have secure funding
for several years to grow the platform.

We're a mixed team of software engineers, clinicians, and academics -- and
one of the best parts of the job is working so closely with our users.
While we have offices in Oxford, most of the tech team work remotely and we
regularly interact with our users online.

Some other good things?  The rest of the team are really decent, capable,
and interesting human beings, and we support each other and take each other
seriously.  We prioritise developer experience, and invest time reducing
friction in our work to allow us to move fast with confidence.  And our
work often appears in the press <https://www.opensafely.org/press/> --
which means this is the first job I've ever done where my family have some
idea what I do!

Some less good things?  Like all growing organisations we experience
growing pains as we become less startuppy, but we're constantly learning
and trying to improve.  University bureaucracy can sometimes slow things
down (our job descriptions were ready to go before Christmas...) but
day-to-day we're mostly shielded from that.  And we can't offer Silicon
Valley levels of pay -- but I can't imagine anywhere else that offers so
much interesting and important work in such a supportive (and fun)

If you'd like to know more, feel free to get in touch with me (
peter.inglesby at phc.ox.ac.uk -- beware that replying to this email will
reply to all subscribers!) or with Ben Butler-Cole, our director of
engineering (benjamin.butler-cole at phc.ox.ac.uk).

Thanks for reading!

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