[python-uk] London Code Dojo - April

Tom Viner tom at viner.tv
Sun Apr 9 14:15:04 EDT 2023

Hi folks,

For April's London Code Dojo, we'll be at T. Rowe
<https://www.troweprice.com/>Price <https://www.troweprice.com/> once more.

We'll have pizza, drinks and some fun group coding. All abilities welcome.

*6:30pm Wednesday 12th April 2023*

Get your tickets while they're hot:

We're always looking for venues to host the Dojo. So if your office could
be available, do get in touch via Twitter:
@ldnpydojo <https://twitter.com/ldnpydojo> or email team at ldnpydojo.org.uk

Look forward to seeing you this Wednesday!

@tomviner <https://twitter.com/tomviner>
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