[python-uk] Jobs: Python Full Stack Developer & Cloud Engineer with Anglo American

Robin Wilson robin at rtwilson.com
Thu Feb 17 09:34:28 EST 2022

We are a new team at Anglo American (a large mining and minerals company), working on image data at scale. There are several problems with how things are currently, including: storage limited to local hard drives, compute limited to desktops, data silos and difficulties in finding and sharing image data. The solution that you will help build will use cloud and web technologies to store, search, visualize and run compute on global scale image archives (Terabyte to Petabyte).

Both jobs will be using Python extensively, and familiarity with the PyData stack (particularly XArray and Dask) and Python web development tools (eg. FastAPI) will be extremely useful. Experience with spatial data is also a massive plus.

Both jobs are remote, within UTC +/- 2 - although UK-based is ideal. Both will be contractors, at a competitive day rate.

Full stack developer:
Your focus will be full stack web development, building back-end APIs and front-end interfaces for users to easily access these large image archives. We will be building on open tools and standards written in Python (such as the Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog, Titiler and Dask), and you will be extending and modifying these, as well as writing new serverless APIs in Python. Front-end development will be within the context of Anglo American frameworks, primarily using React, and will involve map visualization tools such as Leaflet and/or OpenLayers.

Full details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nBnwC9JoVHmbNbYKtlpG8doRmA3Sg1JR/view

Cloud Engineer:
Your focus will be on using cloud technology to scale up capabilities (e.g. storage, search and compute). You will be building and orchestrating cloud services including serverless APIs, large databases, storage accounts, Kubernetes clusters and more, all using an Infrastructure as Code approach. We work on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, and are building on top of open-source tools and open-standards such as the Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog, webmap tiling services such as Titiler, and the Dask parallel processing framework.

Full details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IXvmjrPQBfXG5RqeUQUhJh6JQm31YH8r/view


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