[python-uk] Python 2.7 code: a spring-clean

Steve - Gadget Barnes GadgetSteve at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 4 02:04:08 EST 2019

Hi Richard,

One trick that I have used is to use os.walk to find all of the python files and then tried parsing them with ast - this at least throws an error for the files that are completely broken for python 3. Another is to use the python 3 version pylint on the files/project this finds more but in many cases results in a lot more noise.

Steve (Gadget).

-----Original Message-----
From: python-uk <python-uk-bounces+gadgetsteve=hotmail.com at python.org> On Behalf Of Richard Barran
Sent: 03 December 2019 21:13
To: UK Python Users <python-uk at python.org>
Subject: [python-uk] Python 2.7 code: a spring-clean

Hi all,

With the end-of-life of Python 2 upon us, I wondered about cleaning up code that has (had!) to support both Python 2 and Python 3. Some of it is easy (e.g. look for any references to the ‘six’ library), some of it is relatively easy (e.g. super(Foobar, self) ) and… actually, there could be quite a few things to tidy up. 

I’m wondering if there is a script out there to quickly introspect a codebase and flag up any legacy code? I’ve tried googling but drew up a blank. Any suggestions welcome!

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