[python-uk] (London) Looking for venues for Python Projects Night

S Walker walker_s at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Oct 4 12:15:05 EDT 2017

Good morning,
It's been a while since the last Projects Night, but I'd like to get
them going again. Unfortunately, I'm a little short of venues at the moment.

In case you don't know what it is, the projects night is intended to be
a monthly event where you can go to hack on that project you've been
meaning to hack on (and really will get started on soon, honest), in a
friendly group. This can also be an opportunity to share problems and
maybe find solutions that you might not have found hacking on it in a
sleep deprived state at home.
The meetup group is here:

So, if anyone knows a place where (usually) 10 - 20 developers could
hang out and code then I'd love to hear from you.
This can be a workplace (food does not need to be provided) or a
pub/cafe/similar (since we normally order pizza in anyway, having food
available might help).
I'm intending this to be once a month on a Thursday (likely the third
Thursday in the month) night from about 18:30 until ~21:00, but can be
somewhat flexible on times.
There's usually a bit of discussion so anywhere with
library-reading-room standards of quietness will probably not be a great
fit, but we shouldn't be as loud as a band rehearsal.

I'm intending that this starts up again in the new year (January).

As I say, if anyone can suggest/offer venues I'd be most grateful.


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