[python-uk] Old Street based start-up looking for experienced full stack developers

Yves Weissig weissig at cgscope.co
Mon Jan 30 13:04:27 EST 2017

Hi fellow Pythonists,

We're a small tech and research start-up based on Old Street in London. We
just recently spun-off from a well-established consultancy, which has
specialised in corporate governance for well over a decade. We're currently
looking to expand our team with full stack developers, who thrive working
with Python, Django, Docker, Kubernetes and so on. If you think this sounds
like a good fit and wish to know more, then please check out the complete
job description here:


Feel free to forward this email or the PDF to anyone who would be
interested, and also check out our Stack Overflow profile:


If you're interested just drop us a line with your CV to hello at cgscope.co.

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