[python-uk] Next CamPUG meeting: Tue 10 Jan 2017

Tibs tibs at tibsnjoan.co.uk
Sun Jan 1 07:41:11 EST 2017

Please note that the Cambridge Python User Group meeting for January 2017 will be a week later than nornal, on the 10th. The real first Tuesday in 2017 is just a bit too close to the New Year.

Physical computing with Python on Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi platform has matured over the last few years and there's plenty of interesting physical computing opportunities with great Python libraries available. 

Join Ben Nuttall, Community Manager at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, for a practical session using GPIO, the camera module, the Sense HAT and more - all with your favourite programming language!
Afterwards, some people will undoubtedly go on to the pub.

Please note that we are now on meetup.com, at http://www.meetup.com/CamPUG/. If possible, please RSVP there for meetings so we have an idea of numbers. As an incentive, there's normally more detail about each meeting there, and you can also find out about future meetings.

Tweeting may occur at https://twitter.com/campython


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