[python-uk] PyCon UK accommodation

Peter Inglesby peter.inglesby at gmail.com
Wed Aug 30 11:39:31 EDT 2017

Hi everyone,

There are rumours that a heavyweight boxing match may be taking place in
Cardiff on the Saturday of PyCon UK, and so accommodation in the city has
been snapped up much more quickly this year than usual.

If you're coming to the conference, *you should book your accommodation now*.
Don’t delay any further!  If you leave it too late, you may find that there
is no more affordable accommodation available.

We have set up a wiki
<http://pyconukaccommodation.wikia.com/wiki/PyConUKAccommodation_Wiki> for
people to arrange sharing of rooms or rentals, or for anybody in Cardiff to
offer a room in their home.  (We can offer a free conference ticket to
anybody in Cardiff who can put up visitors in their home.)

Please see the accommodation page <http://2017.pyconuk.org/accommodation/> on
our website for more details.

To help you plan when to come to the conference, we have also released
a provisional
list <http://2017.pyconuk.org/schedule/> of the talks and workshops that
are happening each day.

All the best

~ The PyCon UK Committee
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