[python-uk] Fwd: News about Rob Collins

Oisin Mulvihill oisin.mulvihill at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 10:37:47 EST 2016

Dear All,

It is with deep regret that I must say my friend and business partner
Rob Collins passed away. He died peacefully on  2 November surrounded
by his family. His wife Ann told me the following details for his


Here is an update on Rob's funeral. We'd like it to be a celebration
of Rob's life, and so invite you to wear happy colours, and to bring
memories of Rob that you might like to share in a book that will be
available after the service for writing and drawing in. The funeral
will be held at St Margaret's Church in Whitnash, Leamington, at 11.00
on Wednesday 16.11.16, and the burial will follow straight after the
service in the graveyard behind the church. Family flowers only, any
donations to Myton Hospice and Marie Curie in the retiring collection.

With love from Ann, Abigail, Eleanor and Nathanel


If anyone would like to share fond memories of Rob with the family
please feel free to email me and I will pass them on:
oisin.mulvihill at gmail.com


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