[python-uk] Coding "Bootcamps"

Nick Sarbicki nick.a.sarbicki at gmail.com
Fri May 20 03:02:20 EDT 2016

> When learning on your own, there is the risk of not getting good
> idiomatic code practices and styles. The OU are well aware of this even
> if they sometimes get it wrong. Any self learner needs to have access
> to quality mentors to provide quality feedback so that the self-
> directed learning effort always heads in the right direction.
> I am sure the "Python UK" virtual thingy could help put self learners
> in touch with people willing to do lightweight non-local mentoring.

This was something I was well aware with in my first year of self learning.
Even though there were others on the courses I did (and some less
supportive people on stack overflow), my standards suffered until I had
more guidance on code quality as opposed to just code.

So I'd agree that having a mentor is definitely a good thing. But I've also
met a few university trained programmers who have no regards for standards
and code quality.

Personally I've found the best cure for bad practice is not a formal
education. Instead it seems to be working in the community and exposing
yourself to other peoples work (open source essentially). For me, the more
informal mentors and guidance you get from the community often trump
official mentors assigned to you by an institution.

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