[python-uk] Coding "Bootcamps"

SW walker_s at hotmail.co.uk
Wed May 18 09:21:44 EDT 2016

Given the 'lives in London' aspect, he may want to keep an eye out for
the next Python Code Dojo, as it's usually very beginner friendly and if
he shows reasonable capacity for logical thought he might find someone
who is looking for a junior level person (no guarantees of course, but
getting contacts is always good).


On 18/05/16 14:12, Walter Prins wrote:
> Hi,
> Quite a few good responses already, but just to add the suggestion
> that he also have a look at/consider some of the free or low/lower
> cost educational options available, such as Coursera
> <https://www.coursera.org/>, EdX <https://www.edx.org/>, KhanAcademy
> <https://www.khanacademy.org/> or perhaps Pluralsight
> <https://www.pluralsight.com/>, CodeSchoool
> <https://www.codeschool.com>, TeamTreehouse
> <https://teamtreehouse.com/> or CodeAcademy
> <https://www.codecademy.com> and that he avoid high-cost options
> initially.
> Certainly it would allow him to get started with something in the
> meantime and start learning with no or little cash down, even if he
> eventually decides to do some sort of higher cost/formal qualification
> later.  
> Also he might want to look at some programming practice/challenge
> sites such as CodeEval <https://www.codeeval.com/>, HackerRank
> <https://www.hackerrank.com/>, CodeWars
> <http://www.codewars.com/>, LeetCode
> <https://leetcode.com/> or CodeChef <https://www.codechef.com/> once
> sufficient progress has been made for him to attempt these.
> Best of luck,
> Walter
> On 18 May 2016 at 10:59, John via python-uk <python-uk at python.org
> <mailto:python-uk at python.org>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     A philosopher friend of mine wants to transition into working as a
>     software developer (paying work in philosophy being a bit rare).
>     He lives in London, and is considering signing up for one of the
>     Coding "Bootcamps" that various organisations run. I wondered if
>     any of you have any recommendations you could make, and indeed
>     whether any of these bootcamps teach Python?
>     Thanks,
>     John
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