[python-uk] UK based Pythonistas as candidates for the PSF board

Andy Robinson andy at reportlab.com
Mon May 4 14:02:32 CEST 2015

I think Marc-Andre Lemburg he has really earned his place over the
decades.  He has always been polite and constructive and desires a
Eurovision-style block vote!

BTW I was once asked to be on the PSF board, when it was first set up,
and turned it down.  ReportLab was one of the earliest UK python shops
and I know all the old-timers (Guido, David Ascher etc) from the
earliest days.    Main reason was family commitments which prevented
attending events, and I have done bugger all for the community since
about 2006.  The good news is that kid #1 finishes exams forever in 2
weeks, and kid #2 finishes GCSEs in six weeks, at which point life
gets more manageable, and I hope to get out to a lot more community
events and conferences and start contributing again.    So if you are
really keen to have an extra nomination I wouldn't mind, but I am not
going to press for it either.

Andy Robinson

On 4 May 2015 at 12:55, Zeth <theology at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yep those two and Marc-Andre Lemburg who has done a lot for PyConUK
> over the years, are there any other UK/nearby candidates? I for one
> want to use my vote to balance the board geographically (i.e. a board
> compromised of not just US West Coast people, as beautiful as they all
> are).
> On 2 May 2015 at 10:33, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:
>> Hey there!
>> In case you hadn't noticed, the upcoming PSF board election has both
>> Carrie Anne Philbin and Naomi Ceder (both UK based Pythonistas who put a
>> lot of work into our community) as candidates.
>> Yay and best of luck to both Carrie Anne and Naomi.
>> If you have PSF voting rights, please remember to vote (I've just
>> submitted mine - no prizes for guessing who I voted for)..!
>> :-)
>> All the best,
>> Nicholas.
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