[python-uk] London Python Project Nights

SW walker_s at hotmail.co.uk
Fri May 1 11:37:33 CEST 2015

Got a project you keep meaning to work on? Love the python code dojo 
atmosphere? Then join us at http://london-python-project-nights.github.io/

To hear about the first session (anticipated to be on 21st May), you can 
join the google group linked on the above page or directly at: 

What is London Python Project Nights?
Somewhere for people comfortable with python to work on projects in a 
dojo-like atmosphere (socially speaking- hopefully with better code!).
Meet up once a month to work on your project in a relaxed environment 
and perhaps share the progress with and get advice from the group.
Now you can make excuses for not working on that cool idea for most of 
the month but still work on it at least once a month! Up to 15 people 
(to start with).

If you're interested in sponsoring, please contact us at ldnpyprj at gmail.com.

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