[python-uk] PyCon UK talk proposal hangouts

Naomi Ceder naomi.ceder at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 13:15:14 CEST 2015


I just wanted to get the word out that I'll be leading some hangout
sessions for people who might be considering proposing a talk for PyCon UK.

If you're at all interested, but aren't sure about your topic, want to get
feedback on your idea, want to know more about the poster session option,
or just have questions about presenting at a PyCon, please feel free to
join us.

The proposed dates/times are 11 June at 8 pm BST, 14 June at 3 PM BST, and
16 June at 8 PM BST. If there is interest in other times, you can indicate
this and we'll see what we can do.

To sign up/express interest, please visit the following form -

And please, please, please... feel free to share this and spread the word.


Naomi Ceder
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