[python-uk] Python talks in Glasgow - 11th August

Dougal Matthews dougal at dougalmatthews.com
Mon Jul 27 22:55:06 CEST 2015

Hi all,

I am excited to annouce the speakers for our Python talks next month.

This month we are focusing on core Python, meaning that we are mostly
going to be covering the Python standard library and some of it's
really interesting areas. The full talk descriptions are included

I think it is going to be a great one, so don't delay as the tickets
went quickly last time. You can sign up for a ticket here:


SkyScanner are hosting us and will be provising food and drinks.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!



Talk 1: Lazy Python by Jeffrey Burrows (J P Morgan)

How the sheer laziness of the itertools library can make your code
faster, prettier and more memory efficient.

Talk 2: Asynchronous Python with asyncio by Kevin McDermott (Heroku)

Python 3.4 added asyncio, a mysterious library that can get more out
of your Python runtimes, without adding the overhead of threading.

Kevin will explain what it does, and how it works, and how you can get
more out of modern Python applications with an event-driven approach.

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