[python-uk] Django Rest Book: a collaborative book about Django Rest Framework

a.grandi at gmail.com a.grandi at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 13:43:04 CEST 2015


I would like to announce an idea I had in the past weeks (no, I'm not
announcing a ready book, please keep reading :P ): a book about Django
Rest Framework!

Directly from the README:

The idea of writing a book about Django Rest Framework comes from my
(Andrea Grandi) daily usage of this fantastic library. The framework
itself has a very good documentation but sometimes it can be not
enough, expecially for people that have just started working with it.

I don't define myself a Django Rest Framework expert despite having
used it for the latest 2 years and very often I need to look at the
documentation. This is why I would like to make this a collaborative
work: I have surely the willing but not all the required experience.

Surely at the end of this adventure I (and everyone who will
contribute) will have a wider knowledge of the framework, but still
the book will need the help of more people expecially in areas where
an expert of internals is required or even just to review how it has
been written (disclaimer: I'm not a native english speaker, so expect
some errors in the text).

Who would like to help me in this adventure :) ?

The url of the project is here: https://github.com/djangorestbook/djangorestbook

NOTE: I've no plans to make this a commercial product/book and all the
material will be released with the Creative Common license. When the
book will be ready, if we will be able to find a publisher maybe we
will put a small price on the final book, just to cover the
publishing/printing expenses, but for now publishing (as in paper or
through an official channel) is not something that I'm planning to do.

p.s: please be kind with your feedback about this idea, because what I
want to do is just to create something that will help many people to
have a better understanding of this fantastic library that is Django
Rest Framework.

Andrea Grandi - Software Engineer
Website: http://www.andreagrandi.it
Twitter: https://twitter.com/andreagrandi
GitHub: https://github.com/andreagrandi
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