[python-uk] London Python Project Nights S00 E02

Alistair Broomhead alistair.broomhead at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 17:01:50 CEST 2015

Hi all, just to bump this - there are still a small number of tickets
available for tomorrow's event at Skimlinks
<https://plus.google.com/104262607986896422909/about?hl=en> - I know what
some of you might be wondering: "Why would I go to yet another Tech meetup
in Shoreditch?"

Well this one's different - it's not another meetup where there's a handful
of 'rockstar' developers and loads of recruiters, project managers, and
other non-technical staff trying to catch the latest hot buzzwords to put
on their blog posts and job specs.

This is a meetup that's all about code - we don't care what your level of
experience is, we just want people who are passionate to turn up, write
code together, and share their ideas. We've had a couple of sessions
already and each has left meaningful contributions to open source projects.

Hopefully this sounds like something that some of you would like to take
part in, in which case I'll see you tomorrow, and if not, I apologise for
the extra spam in your inbox ;)



On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 at 15:08 Alistair Broomhead <
alistair.broomhead at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Everybody!
> I'd like to invite everyone to the third meeting of London Python Project
> Nights - there will be a break after this before we come back for Season
> 01. Tickets can be found at
> https://london-python-project-nights.eventwax.com/london-python-project-nights-s00-e01-2
> .
> At the last couple we've had some interesting work done on Pygame Zero
> <https://pygame-zero.readthedocs.org/en/latest/> and romaine
> <https://github.com/london-python-project-nights/romaine> - we've also
> had some people working on their own, writing code or blogs, and making use
> of the relaxed collaborative environment to share and explore their ideas.
> As said previously this is an informal event. The format is likely to be
> much the same as the last - people turn up between 18:30 and 19:00, feel
> free to bring your own food, or order some in when you get there - if
> you're working on something at the moment bring it along, work on it, and
> share ideas and problems with others - if you're not working on anything,
> just bring yourself and maybe a laptop, and get stuck in on someone else's
> project. See here for a map of nearby transport links and food
> <https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zs4gRFoXWtck.k9vlsDLKufdg&usp=sharing>
> ,
> I hope to see some of you there!
> Al
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