[python-uk] Job Ad: Senior Python Engineers -Skimlinks - London

Michael sparks.m at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 16:26:56 CET 2015

Accidental replies are the spice of life.

The only downside of the reply-to header is the fact that people randomly
complain about it every other year or two, resulting in 20 arguments in
favour, 20 arguments against, then a discussion about how voting for or
against it might be a good idea, and in the majority of cases most people
going "meh, can't be bothered", and a minority deciding that voting is a
good idea, and then sometimes they remove it but most often they don't.

On the upside, they poke a bit of life into things, resulting in the
original poster going "oh, why did I bother? They're just talking about
reply-to rather than our fussball table!"



On 4 February 2015 at 14:16, Andy Robinson <andy at reportlab.com> wrote:

> I'm one of the list admins.  There are a couple of others.  Happy to
> make a change if a significant majority feel that way.
> However, sometimes accidental replies are the only thing keeping the
> list alive ;-)
> On 4 February 2015 at 14:12, Sven Marnach <smarnach at google.com> wrote:
> > Maybe we could just get rid of the pointless "Reply-To" header?  It can
> be
> > disabled by a list admin on the Mailman admin page.
> >
> > I get the impression that at least one person per month falls victim to
> it.
> > The reverse, people accidentally answering just to the sender instead of
> the
> > whole list, seems better than people accidentally sending private emails
> to
> > everyone.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >     Sven
> >
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> --
> Andy Robinson
> Managing Director
> ReportLab Europe Ltd.
> Thornton House, Thornton Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 4NG, UK
> Tel +44-20-8405-6420
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> python-uk mailing list
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