[python-uk] Next CamPUG meeting: Tue 5th Jan 2016

Tony Ibbs tibs at tibsnjoan.co.uk
Fri Dec 18 12:22:55 EST 2015

The next Cambridge Python Group meeting will be on Tuesday 5th January 2016 at 7:30pm

Ben Nuttall will talk about GPIO Zero (http://pythonhosted.org/gpiozero/), a new education friendly API for Raspberry Pi GPIO handling.

Ben says "It's got some really interesting concepts in the codebase I'd love to dive in to and explain. Some of the cleverest features have been implemented by a friend from Manchester, Dave Jones, who maintains the picamera library. He's done some brilliant work."
Ben is the Education Developer Advocate at the Raspberry Pi Foundation (does anyone on this mailing list need to be told that?).

If we have time after that, I'd like to ask people to Bring a Question - something that you could do with some help with, or an idea about how to approach, or just something you wonder about Python. We can then try, as a group, to figure out answers.

This meeting will be held at the Department of Engineering (the map at http://map.cam.ac.uk/Department+of+Engineering#52.198333,0.120971,18 may be useful). This allows us to be flexible on numbers - it there aren't very many people, we can use a smaller room, and if we get a lot of RSVPs, we can scale up. 

There will not, however, be food provided - not because of the venue, but just because of it being near the New Year. 

Meetings after that will be:

	• Tuesday 2nd February 2016 - Deep Learning with Python
	• Tuesday 1st March 2016 - to be determined
	• Tuesday 5th April 2016 - to be determined

Please note that we are also now on meetup.com, at http://www.meetup.com/CamPUG/. If possible, please RSVP there for meetings so we have an idea of numbers. As an incentive, there's much more detail about each meeting there.

Tweeting may occur at https://twitter.com/campython


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