[python-uk] London Dojo Thursday 7th May

Gautier HAYOUN ghayoun at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 13:35:30 CEST 2015

Hi all,

The May London Python Code Dojo is happening next week.

We've got a new venue: the Mozilla office near Trafalgar Square.
We also have a new sponsor for the food and drinks: We Are Wizards.
And finally we'll try something new for choosing the ideas: we are
going to take the ideas from the signup form, a few from
http://programmingpraxis.com/ and pre-moderate them.

For the things that don't change, we'll keep our voting method and we
should still have an O'Reilly Python related book for the prize draw.

Get your ticket at

Please note that the 7th of May is the day of the General Elections.
Polling stations will be closed by the time the Dojo finishes, so make
your arrangements to vote beforehand!

If you want to give a lighting talk send us an email at team at ldnpydojo.org.uk

I look forward to seeing you all next Thursday!

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