[python-uk] [EuroPython-Members] EuroPython Reboot

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu Sep 18 12:56:16 CEST 2014

Hi John,

thank you for your initiative. Let's start to get the ball rolling
for EuroPython 2015 :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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2014-09-19: PyCon UK 2014, Coventry, UK ...                     tomorrow
2014-09-27: PyDDF Sprint 2014 ...                           9 days to go
2014-09-30: Python Meeting Duesseldorf ...                 12 days to go

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
    D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
           Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

On 18.09.2014 11:47, John Pinner wrote:
> Hello Fellow European Pythonistas,
> This year's EuroPython in Berlin was a grat event, enjoyed by over
> 1000 Pythonistas and the biggest EP to date.
> What most of us would have been unaware of was that under the surface,
> there had been major problems with relations between the EuroPython
> Society (EPS) board and those heading up the local organising team.
> These problems could be serious enough to put the future of EuroPython
> itself at risk and already have resulted in plans for a repeat of
> EuroPython 2014 Berlin in 2015 being abandoned.
> Now I (John Pinner) like many others feel passionately about our
> Python community, and this is part of the problem : people throw
> themselves into organising our events, put in *lots* of work, and
> don't necessarily see the bigger picture : constructive criticism may
> not be taken, or given, as intended. Then relationships deteriorate
> and positions get entrenched, this was apparent (to me, I don't know
> about anyone else) at the EPS General Assembly in Berlin.
> Believe me, I have been involved in voluntary organisations for over
> 30 years, and this is common and all the more sad as it stems from the
> same basic passion and desire to serve the community.
> As someone who has been involved in EuroPython from the early days,
> and a past organiser, I don't wish to see the current problems
> continue and put the future of EuroPython at risk. I don't think it's
> too late to do something about it.
> PyCon UK 2014 starts tomorrow in Coventry, and quite a few EuroPython
> fans will be attending, so this is an opportunity to join together and
> see if we can resolve some of these problems. This is quite
> appropriate as, for sad historical reasons (which we have learnt from
> and put behind us, let's do the same on a much smaller scale for
> EuroPython) Coventry is the City of Reconciliation
> So I'm setting up a "EuroPython Reboot" meeting at PyCon UK 2014, at
> 11:00am local time (I believe that's 10:00am European time). Some of
> us will be able to attend this meeting in person, for those who
> cannot, we'll set up a video call on either https://appear.in/epreboot
> or Google hangout.
> I'll put this up on the PyCon UK wiki at
> http://pyconuk.net/EuropythonReboot and when we finalise the details,
> they'll be there.
> One thing I will stress, this is my idea as an individual who cares
> about the future of EuroPython, it is *not* being done at the behest
> of, or under the influence of, either the Berlin organisers or the EPS
> Board.
> If you too care about EuroPython, please join us at this meeting.
> Thanks,
> John
> --
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