[python-uk] DjangoCon Europe 2014

Daniele Procida daniele at vurt.org
Thu Mar 27 19:27:16 CET 2014


This year's DjangoCon Europe is taking place in mid-May, on its very own island off the coast of the French riviera.

If you're planning to come and don't yet have your ticket, you should act swiftly, because ticket sales must close on the 20th April.

If you haven't yet decided whether to attend, here are some reasons why you (or your partner/boss/employer) should consider it:

A DjangoCon is a wonderful opportunity to develop your skills and knowledge, not just through the three days of talks, but also through the conversations and meetings you'll have with a great congregation of other Django users.

Whatever your level of skill or experience, you're going to leave having learned new skills, discovered new tools and made new friends.

That's especially true this year, because as well as the talks <http://2014.djangocon.eu/talks/>, we are running a number of substantial  tutorials <http://2014.djangocon.eu/tutorials/>, all aimed at improving your Django skills. The tutorials are all free. 

If one of the tutorials fills an important hole in your skill-set, you may find that it's worth the conference fee all on its own.

If you or your company are looking for new collaborators or new people for your team, you'll meet Django developers from all over the world here. Similarly, if you're looking for new opportunities, this is where emplyers come to offer them.

This year the conference fee - 670 Euros - covers *everything*: the conference itself, all your meals for three days, your accommodation for two nights - even the ferry to get to the island.

You can also purchase tickets separately for extra nights, if that helps with your travel plans, and to stay on for the sprints. You can even bring a companion with you, because an island with vineyards, a nature reserve and beautiful beaches is too special not to share.

There's information on the site about how to get to the island <http://2014.djangocon.eu/venue/>, but just ask - here, or via our website <http://2014.djangocon.eu/> if you need to know any more.

If you're travelling from the UK, an ideal way to do it is to get the Eurostar to Paris on the Monday morning, a superfast TGV to Toulon, and then a bus to the port to be there for early evening. On the way back, the night train from Toulon to Paris, and the Eurostar to London early the next morning.

Hope to see you there!

Daniele, on behalf of the organising committee

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