[python-uk] Python Dojo - Factoryboy talk: any feedback?

a.grandi at gmail.com a.grandi at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 16:45:04 CET 2014


to the people who were yesterday at London Python Dojo, I have a
little favour to ask.
I'm Andrea, the guy who gave the lightning talk about "Factoryboy".

I would really apreciate some constructive feedback (positive or
negative) from the people who assisted so I will be able to improve it
for the next time (that actually will be on March 11th at DJUGL).

Please take in consideration that:

- I'm quite new to Django (I started using it about 1 year ago)
- my english still su*** a little, trying hard to improve it.
- my intention is to give my little contribution to the amazing Python community

So I have some very quick questions:

- how was, in general, the talk?
- was it too easy/boring stuff or did you find it interesting?
- most important: was I able to explain the concepts in a clear way?

Thank you so much in advance for all the feedback and the advices you
will give me.


Andrea Grandi -  Software Engineer / Qt Ambassador / Nokia Developer Champion
website: http://www.andreagrandi.it

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