[python-uk] Trip to Bletchley Park

Tom Viner tom at viner.tv
Sun Oct 13 23:47:56 CEST 2013

As promised, just less than a week away, here's the details for the
Bletchley Park / National Museum of Computing trip.

Date: Saturday 19th Oct

If, like me, you're London based, then join the Pythonista Express from

Meeting time: 9:45am
Location: Euston Station - Top of the tube

We're going to get the 10:13 (Platform 8) to Bletchley, arriving 10:49.
Return tickets £15 if you book online

Now if you're making your own way to Bletchley, then go for around 11am,
and I'm sure we can meet up with you.

Give me a ring at any point if you're having trouble noticing a roving band
of programmers in the station / park. I'm on 07828 013 277.

See ya on Saturday!

@tomviner <https://twitter.com/tomviner>

On 25 September 2013 21:33, Tom Viner <tom at viner.tv> wrote:

> Hi all,
> A few of us had a discussion at PyconUK about doing a trip to
> Bletchley Park and the The National Museum of Computing.
> Saturday, 19 Oct seemed to be the best option. Londoners could meet at
> Euston Station and others could make their own way.
> In terms of timing:
> - Bletchley Park is open from 9.30am to 5.00pm
> - The Museum of Computing is "Fully open 1-5pm; Colossus and Tunny
> Galleries open all day"
> So we could meet at say 10am and get the train there, potentially
> using this national rail 2 for 1 offer:
> http://www.daysoutguide.co.uk/bletchley-park-(1)
> More info:
> http://www.bletchleypark.org.uk/
> http://www.tnmoc.org/
> So put it in your calendar and I'll email again a week before with
> specific meeting times etc.
> Cheers,
> Tom
> @tomviner
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