[python-uk] Can you help us build our London team?

Pete Graham petegraham1 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 13:33:33 CET 2013

Hi Antonio,

What's the best way to be informed of when the next London Python
Group Meetup is announced? Is there a twitter account to follow?


On 20 February 2013 06:29, Antonio Cavallo <a.cavallo at cavallinux.eu> wrote:
> Hi Pete, hello Russel, hello Roger,
> Kris and me are the London Python Group Meetup organisers: Kris is the
> current "organiser-in-chief" at the moment.
> The last meetup has been organised recently (12th Feb, thanks Russel) and
> the plan is to have another one in about a month time: no firm date or place
> yet.
> * begin of shameful self promotion *
> yes the group has reached its second year and it has nearly 500 members now:
> not as old as python itself but not bad.
> * end of shameful self promotion *
> Yes, we don't try to step over the "Dojo" meetings, we have clearly a
> different scope. And we try best not to overlap meetings.
> I hope this helps,
> Antonio
> Pete Graham wrote:
>> Hi Russel,
>> When is the next London Python Group event? I couldn't see a next
>> event scheduled on meetup.com.
>> Thanks,
>> Pete
>> On 16 Feb 2013, at 20:00, Russel Winder<russel at winder.org.uk>  wrote:
>>> The London Python Group
>>> (http://www.meetup.com/The-London-Python-Group-TLPG/) is beginning to
>>> take off as well. I am hoping to see it meet monthly at Skills Matter.
>>> Not trying to compete with the Dojo but to complement it.
>>> The meeting last Tuesday had a "Job pitch" to open it in return for
>>> pizza and beer after the session (which, OK, was done by me
>>> http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/scala/switch-to-python-3-now-immediately
>>> http://skillsmatter.com/event/scala/switch-to-python-3-now-immediately)
>>> I thought this worked very well. The company did their pitch in a neat
>>> and humorous way, it didn't come over as anything heavy, just good
>>> natured. I hope they fill the post from a contact made that evening.
>>> Overall, very Pythonic :-)
>>> The pizza and beer worked very well and enable "pressing the flesh". A
>>> great round off to the event.
>>> --
>>> Russel.
>>> =============================================================================
>>> Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
>>> sip:russel.winder at ekiga.net
>>> 41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: russel at winder.org.uk
>>> London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder
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