[python-uk] Next Python Sheffield meeting June 26th

Daley Chetwynd d_chetwynd at fastmail.co.uk
Sun Jun 10 23:39:06 CEST 2012

Hi all,

The next Python Sheffield meeting will be on Tuesday June 26th at the
GIST Lab. The meeting will run from 19:00 - 20:45, although doors will
be open at the GIST Lab from 18:45. The GIST Lab is located opposite
Sheffield train station and behind the Showroom cinema:


This month we have the following two speakers:

Alan O'Donohoe (@teknoteacher) (via Google Hangout) - Teaching Python to
Secondary School Pupils
Daley Chetwynd (@dchetwynd) - Programming Python on a Raspberry Pi

We'll be broadcasting the meeting via a Google Hangout, so if you can't
attend the meeting in person but would like to join the Hangout, contact
me on Google+ before the meeting. If you'd like to attend the meeting in
person, please register for free at:


We're always looking for future speakers, so if you'd like to talk on
anything Python-related and fancy a trip over to Sheffield, please get
in touch. To find out more about the Python Sheffield group, follow
@pysheff on Twitter or see the Google group:



Daley Chetwynd

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