[python-uk] saturday london python dojos?

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Jan 31 12:28:12 CET 2012

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Choosing the day/time of a dojo is always going to inconvenience
someone. I have a young family and weekends are precious. Obviously I
could make a Saturday dojo but not every month.

If Ed is willing to provide a location along with free pizza and beer
(which is the usual package provided by a "sponsor") then I think it's
a cracking good idea!

Actually, rather than run a dojo (which is quite a focussed affair)
why not run a hackathon? Self selecting teams can coalesce around a
problem area rather than specific problem and have 6 hours to produce
something before a show-and-tell. For example, running a hackathon
around the subject of "Living in London" (I'm making this up as I go
along, can't you tell..?) might produce tools for grabbing data, quick
and lightweight websites, data-analysis tools, cloud based APIs to
aggregate information or single use applications such as something
that sends you a text message if it's going to rain in London in the
next 24 hours... and so on.

Now, *that* would be awesome and play to the extended period of time
we'd have at our disposal.

What's the upper limit on numbers..? How are people fixed in February?

Just throwing ideas around... ;-)


On 31/01/12 11:00, Jonathan Hartley wrote:
> On 30/01/2012 23:58, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Jan/30/2012, Tom Viner wrote:
>>> I personally would really enjoy having a longer session to
>>> create more ambitious solutions on a weekend dojo. Although I
>>> wouldn't be able to attend every time.
>> I estimate that I would go 50% of the Python Dojo's that would
>> happen on weekends.
> Personally, I could probably only make it 10% of the time at
> weekends. I much prefer a weeknight slot.
> Good luck to those of you who prefer it though, that shouldn't stop
> you.

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