[python-uk] QTableWidget - add from my files to table

Jonathan Hartley tartley at tartley.com
Fri Jan 20 09:42:44 CET 2012

On 20/01/2012 01:19, Dodi Ara wrote:
> i wondering, how can i add from my files to table widget?
> for example, i have one file
> $ cat a
> tes
> $
> so, the "test" fill in the one or more row or columns
> any help will be appreciate
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This mailing list is intended more for discussion of Python events and 
stuff of interest to people in the UK, rather than for questions about 
use. You probably want python-tutor mailing list, which you can read 
about here:

To give a quick answer though, you read the lines from a file using 
something like:

with open('filename') as fp:
    for line in fp:
       print line

Then you'll have to read the QTableWidget documentation to find out how 
to add those lines to it, instead of printing them.

Best regards,


Jonathan Hartley    tartley at tartley.com    http://tartley.com
Made of meat.       +44 7737 062 225       twitter/skype: tartley

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