[python-uk] Python Developers - ReportLab, Wimbledon, London

Andy Robinson andy at reportlab.com
Tue Dec 11 12:38:42 CET 2012

On 11 December 2012 10:51, Andy Robinson <andy at reportlab.com> wrote:
> We are looking for people who are smart, get
> things done and are good team players.

For all employers out there....  my HR guru goes to all the seminars
on employment law, and is very current on what we can and cannot do.
She has told me that our latest round of ads are wrong because
explicitly asking for SMART people is discriminatory against THICK
people.   You can ask about skills, but not about innate
characteristics like age or sex (which we all know), and apparently,
now, brains.

Anyone else heard this kind of total bollocks lately?  ;-)

- Andy

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