[python-uk] IRC channel

Thorne, Stephen stephen at thorne.id.au
Tue Apr 24 17:08:29 CEST 2012

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 15:38, Antonio Cavallo <a.cavallo at mailsnare.com>

> Hi,
> is there any uk irc specific channel?
> thanks


I'm a group-contact for Python on Freenode, am immediately responsible for
#python, and ultimately responsible for all channel names that start with
#python-* on that network. I also live in the the UK. :)

While #python-uk was created in 2010, it was only active for a handful of
days before it fell into disuse. I am not aware of any other UK specific
python irc channels.

If you have python-specific questions, there are many participants on
irc.freenode.net #python that are active in the Europe/London timezone, and
if you have social (non-python-programming-related, such as the best
toppiings on your pizza, or what you should charge per hour for a
medium-term consulting gig) questions that you want to ask, there's

Happy to help,
Stephen Thorne
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