[python-uk] Announcing the London Python Coding Dojo - Thu 3rd November

Jonathan tartley at tartley.com
Sun Oct 30 22:23:59 CET 2011

The London Python Coding Dojo is GO for this Thursday, the 3rd November!

We have a NEW VENUE this week: Many thanks to Mandelay Ltd, who have 
kindly stepped up to offer both office space, and free pizza and beers.

We're also starting half an hour later than usual, at 7pm.

Details and sign up form are here:

Places are free, but require sign-up, and generally all get snapped up 
within a few hours of this notice.

We'll brainstorm interesting problems during the pizza and beers, and 
then break into groups to work on solving the most popular one. At the 
end of the evening each group does a "show and tell", followed by drinks 
in the pub.

We're looking to start the evening with two or three lightning talks. 
I'll talk for a few minutes about concurrency problems in Django models, 
and how to solve them using optimistic locking. If YOU have a topic 
you'd like to present to the group for a few minutes, let us know, 
either on the python-uk list, or using the contact details on the event 
page linked above.

Looking forward, see you all there!


Jonathan Hartley    tartley at tartley.com    http://tartley.com
Made of meat.       +44 7737 062 225       twitter/skype: tartley

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