[python-uk] Mendeley offices for hosting upcoming python dojos

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Mon Oct 17 12:03:06 CEST 2011

Hi Ian,

Sorry for the tardiness in getting back to you.

Sounds good and many many thanks for agreeing to host the dojo and 
provide pizza and beer.

In terms of what do you do next; well, you should mark the next dojo in 
your diary! It will be on Thursday 3rd November (they're always on the 
first Thursday of every month) and we usually get between 25-33 
Pythonistas turn up although we try to keep the numbers down.

Food-wise, it equates to 12-14 largish pizzas (including about 4-5 
veggie ones), 35 small bottles of beer and a couple of bottles of cola / 
fruit juice (if you imagine the feeding frenzy of seagulls behind a 
farmer ploughing his field then you won't be far off what that part of 
the dojo is like ;-).

The food and drink starts at 6:30 with coding beginning at 7:15-7:30. If 
you provide bin liners the dojo attendees are pretty awesome at tidying 
up after themselves. Also, I assume there will be a projector and 

It would probably be good if we could have the address of the place and 
a map so we can stick it on the Eventbrite page when we start to advertise.

Either Bruce, Tim or Jonathan (one of these will be the cat-herder for 
the night) will be in touch to organise things further.

All of us (me, Tom and the three mentioned above) subscribe to this list 
and are more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

All the best,


On 14/10/11 14:15, Ian Mulvany wrote:
> Hi,
> I was at the dojo last week. I've just cleared with my CEO permission
> to host the dojo every other time (i.e. about every 8 weeks), with
> location and sponsorship for pizza and beers.
> What do I do next?
> - Ian

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