[python-uk] Next Cambridge & East Anglia Meeting: Tue 1st Feb

Joe Metcalfe joe.metcalfe at tiscali.co.uk
Mon Jan 31 09:05:45 CET 2011

I'm unable to attend this time (school parents' evening).


-----Original Message-----
From: python-uk-bounces+joe.metcalfe=tiscali.co.uk at python.org
[mailto:python-uk-bounces+joe.metcalfe=tiscali.co.uk at python.org] On Behalf
Of Tony Ibbs
Sent: 30 January 2011 20:41
To: UK Python Users
Subject: [python-uk] Next Cambridge & East Anglia Meeting: Tue 1st Feb

As sent to the CamPUG google group:

The next meeting will be a dojo meeting, Tuesday 1st February, 7.30pm at
RealVNC (http://tinyurl.com/realvncoffices).

Yes, that's in two days time. I'm very sorry for the late notice. Work and

Meetings after that should be: 

* Tuesday 1st March, a talks meeting
* Tuesday 5th April, a dojo meeting again
* Tuesday 3rd May, another talks meeting

I'd like to try to get back to the old way of asking for talks up front
before a talks meeting, so if anyone has ideas for the March meeting, could
you please post them any time from now. Thanks. And I'll try to announce in
more time next time...

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