[python-uk] Announcing the next London Python Code Dojo

Jonathan Hartley tartley at tartley.com
Tue Jan 4 14:19:45 CET 2011

Hooray! Once again, it looks like I can make it. Here's hoping it stays 
that way this time.

Thanks! Looking fwd.


On 04/01/2011 10:29, Nicholas Tollervey wrote:
> Folks,
> Happy new year! Here's to a great 2011 for Pythonistas in the UK.
> The next London Python code dojo will be next Thursday (13th January) starting at 6:30pm for free pizza and beer.
> We’re aiming to build a top-down dungeon / world in PyGame in preparation for Bruce's inter-language dojo sometime this summer. This will build upon the fun we had at the Christmas dojo where we used PyGame to create a Christmas card. No prior knowledge of PyGame or a coding dojo is required to attend this event – just an open and enthusiastic attitude! :-)
> Details here: https://ldnpydojo.eventwax.com/london-python-code-dojo-season-2-episode-5
> (The usual place and time etc...)
> Remember to sign up so we know how much pizza and beer to order (thanks Fry-IT). Also O'Reilly have donated "XMPP: The Definitive Guide" for the prize draw (I've already got a copy - it's a very interesting book with code examples in Python).
> See you there!
> Nicholas.
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Jonathan Hartley      Made of meat.      http://tartley.com
tartley at tartley.com   +44 7737 062 225   twitter/skype: tartley

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