[python-uk] Announcing the next London Python Code Dojo - 8th September 2011

Nicholas Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Fri Aug 26 11:18:18 CEST 2011

Hi Folks,

The subject says it all. Please note, the dojo is on the *8th* of
September (not the 1st) which is contrary to the usual first Thursday of
the month scheme that we usually have. It's in the usual place (Fry-IT's

Details and sign up form can be found here:


Free pizza and beer starts at 6:30pm, coding at 7:30ish (or earlier if
there's a feeding frenzy). Many thanks to Fry-IT for their continued

There are only 30 tickets and they sell out quick so get a move on! :-)

We’ll be doing some group based coding. This will involve brainstorming
ideas during the pizza/beer part of the evening followed by a vote on
which problem to solve and then a couple of hours of furious coding. To
wrap the evening up we do a “show and tell” followed by drinks in
the pub.

As mentioned at the end of the last meeting, we'll be asking for
volunteers to flap-about-at-the-front/run individual "episodes" to make
sure the running and organisation of the dojo isn't just down to me
(ntoll) and Bruce (otfrom). In case you're interested, it *isn't* that
much work and is actually a lot of fun.

See you there!

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