[python-uk] Eclipse + Pydev?

Alex Anderson alex_integra at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 18 13:44:47 CET 2010

> Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 19:32:11 +0000
> From: theology at gmail.com
> To: python-uk at python.org
> Subject: Re: [python-uk] Eclipse + Pydev?
> On 17 March 2010 18:16, David Craddock
> <david.paul.craddock at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Without wanting to start an editor discussion or, more often as they are
> > called, arguments - I would like to find out what people think of the
> > Eclipse + Pydev combination for python development.
> > I'm keen to try this, but how does it work for you? If you use it, does it
> > work well for you? Any complaints? Best features of this setup?
> I tried it a few times, but found it a bit overkill so went back to
> emacs. That however was some years ago now, so I would be interested
> to hear how you get on.

I use this combination on a daily basis. I find the syntax highlighting is good, including the spellcheck inside string literals (I'm a clumsy typer with sausage fingers. Spell checking is good) The "undefined identifier" and "unused identifier" highlights in the newer version are good, as well. And the code completion is, so far, the best I've seen for Python.

And I find the pylint integration a bonus for unit testing/test driven development as I can run a suite of unit tests from a single keystroke.


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