[python-uk] pyweek. london python code dojo pyweek team?

Tom Viner tom at viner.tv
Tue Mar 9 18:07:35 CET 2010

Hi all,

Just to add to what Rene has said, don't be put off if you don't have in
depth experience of pygame already. I only installed it recently and have
been going through some of the online
tutorials<http://www.pygame.org/wiki/tutorials>& previous
pyweek entries <http://pyweek.org/all_games/>. For me it's great to have a
fixed deadline where I have to make time & learn something quickly, before
the challenge begins. Then the actual week of coding, the
idea<http://pyweek.org/s/rules/> being
"Must be challenging and fun" and "Will let a lot of people actually finish
a game".

There's lots of areas to contribute to: coding, testing & reviewing but
also game ideas, story boarding, music & sound effects, art working,
3d modelling(?), scriptwriting etc.

There's no minimum commitment required btw, I mean obviously you'll have to
take most of the week off work, but 5 hours of sleep per night is scheduled
into the plan so don't worry. Seriously though, we don't have a set game
idea or even a game type yet, so if any of the above sounds like fun, let us
know and come create a game in a week!


On 8 March 2010 16:03, René Dudfield <renesd at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hellos,
> Tom Viner and I started chatting about pyweek at the last code dojo,
> and then decided to start a pyweek team.  We're wondering if anyone
> else from the london python code dojo would like to join our team?
> Here's our pyweek entry page:
>    http://www.pyweek.org/e/ldnpydojo/
> Here's the pyweek web page for those interested in finding out more about
> it:
>    http://www.pyweek.org/
> It starts in 19 days, 7 hours, and 57 minutes from... NOW, and goes for a
> week.
> So, if anyone wants to join us, please email me, or email Tom.
> Otherwise you can chat to us about it at the next dojo if you want.
> cheers,
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