[python-uk] January Code Dojo

Nicholas Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Mon Jan 4 13:58:38 CET 2010


Just a quick reminder that the next London Python Code Dojo will be held this Thursday 7th January at 6:30 in the offices of Fry-IT (details at the end).

Regarding the planning and schedule: the evening will be our first "group" dojo where pairs/trios/quartets of people work on the same problem concurrently and report back in a show and tell session to allow us to compare and contrast different solutions to the same problem (and affords us more opportunity to code-in-public). This experiment is a result of comments and suggestions at the end of the last dojo. 

As for the problem..? Again, based upon comments and suggestions, we'll have a white-board / post-it-note board for suggestions / up-votes during the free pizza and beer at the start. 

Dave (Kirby), perhaps you'd also like to give a lightning talk at the start about your suggestion for CRC?

Good ideas, comments and suggestions are most welcome.

Please sign up here: http://ldnpydojo.eventwax.com/5th-london-python-code-dojo/ (just so we know how much Pizza to order - thanks again Fry-IT).

There will also be a Python related O'Reilly book to give away at the end.

See you there!


Address: Fry-IT Limited
503 Enterprise House
1/2 Hatfields
London SE1 9PG

Nearest Tubes: Waterloo Southwark

0207 0968800

Google Map: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1%2F2+Hatfields,+London,+SE1+9PG&sll=51.507954,-0.107825&sspn=0.007439,0.022724&ie=UTF8&ll=51.508235,0.107825&spn=0.007439,0.022724&z=16&iwloc=A

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