[python-uk] 7th London Python Code Dojo: 4th March 2010

Nicholas Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Mon Feb 22 11:12:05 CET 2010


I've finally found some time to get the booking page for the next London Python Code Dojo up.

For the record, last time we attempted to refactor the various adventure game solutions from the January dojo. Whilst interesting, perhaps refactoring isn’t *that* exciting an activity for a dojo :-). Nevertheless, people seemed to be having fun and we did achieve our goal of a “one true” adventure game code base that allows us to define and navigate around a game world. The code can be found here: http://github.com/ntoll/code-dojo/tree/master/adventure/week2/.

After discussion at the end of the last dojo (and later in the pub) we decided that this time round we’re going to try another small-groups based exercise with a “show and tell” at the end as we continue to build the world’s greatest adventure game. Problems we might want to tackle include: a command parser, keeping track of game state/score/objects, NPCs/AI, authoring tools, turning it into a MUD (and so the list goes on...)

It's happening on 4th March 2010 at 6:30pm at the offices of Fry-IT with the usual free pizza and beer (thanks Fry-IT) followed by lots of adventures in Python. Participants also get a chance to win an O'Reilly book (thanks O'Reilly). Pub at the end.

Full details and sign up here (if only so Fry-IT know how much pizza/beer to order): http://ldnpydojo.eventwax.com/7th-london-python-code-dojo

Looking forward to seeing you there,


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