[python-uk] Tell us what you did with Python this year....

Doug Winter doug.winter at isotoma.com
Wed Dec 22 12:38:35 CET 2010

Reza Lotun wrote:
> # async friendly version of the above
> def get_foo_nicer(arg1, arg2):
>     args = prepare_request()
>     result = make_maybe_blocking_call()
>     def post_process(result):
>         do_stuff(result)
>         do_more_stuff(result)
>     post_process(result)
> The second version is exactly the same as the previous, but now it
> becomes much easier to make it async (rather, Twisted aware). The key

Nice idea making your synchronous code work like this too.

Have you considered using the @inlineCallbacks decorator instead?  I bet
you could make that work too, you could write your own decorator that
uses inlineCallbacks or something synchronous, then the above becomes:

def get_foo(arg1, arg2):
    args = prepare_request()
    result = yield make_maybe_blocking_call()
    finalValue = do_more_stuff(result)

Which can be a lot neater when you get stacks and stacks of callbacks.
Python's lack of a block construct otherwise makes that really unpleasant.



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