[python-uk] Tell us what you did with Python this year....

Javier Llopis javier at correo.com
Tue Dec 21 18:10:01 CET 2010

> As an attempt to generate some content and balance out the "jobs"
> discussion....
> Why don't a few people here tell us what they got up to this year?
> Neat projects at work, things you learned about Python in 2010, things
> you've been playing with....

I have automated an ill-thought process that used to involve creating an
ad-hoc 1500 line windows batch program to carry out an unattended remote
installation every time my company tried to deploy new content on their
large network of Video Lottery Terminals.

I was hired basically to help develop those silly windows batch programs
which were creating a bottleneck, and by writing step by step a 5000 line
python program that automatically generated the batch programs, the
bottleneck went elsewhere. The whole process is as ill-thought as ever,
but I'm no longer stressed, and they haven't had to replace the members of
the team who left the company, effectively downsizing it from five to two

I have also used Python to do lots of file processing, one time programs.



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