[python-uk] Tell us what you did with Python this year....

John Chandler john.chandler.lists at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 21 16:25:59 CET 2010

On 20/12/2010 12:18, Andy Robinson wrote:
> Why don't a few people here tell us what they got up to this year?
> Neat projects at work, things you learned about Python in 2010, things
> you've been playing with....
It's been an interesting year in Python for me. The London dojos have 
been fantastic - met some great people and learnt a lot of new skills. I 
also submitted some test coverage code to Python 3.2 while at 
EuroPython, which was cool.

Until recently, I was maintaining Python-based data feed systems and 
using a liberal application of Python to fix things that weren't easy to 
fix using other tech. I'm now involved with a new company and doing 
prototyping work for redeveloping a huge system written in PHP and Perl, 
replacing particular core components with Python, Django and Celery. Hurray!

Two personal projects have occupied me this year. The first is a wargame 
written using PyGame - the code is a mess and has been neglected the 
last few months. I plan to rewrite most of it based on lessons learnt 
and release the source code properly (it's in a private BitBucket repo 
at the moment).

The second project is FluidInYourEar, which uses FluidDB as the backend 
database. It's a music band/genre browser which ultimately wants to 
become a communal music recommender (mostly heavy metal but could be 
anything). I'm midway porting it to Flask and Google's AppEngine, but 
don't have time to progress it at the moment. I gave a talk in October 
on FIYE which was the first time I've given a tech talk - hope to do 
more such talks next year, including one at PyCon AU 2011 if I can pluck 
up enough courage.


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