[python-uk] Tell us what you did with Python this year....

Nicholas Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Dec 21 14:57:15 CET 2010

Hi Guys,

Obviously I went to lots of London Python dojos... It's nice to see that
the format is being used for other languages too (I know of at least
Clojure and Scala dojos and plans for an Erlang one). We managed to
finish our adventure game and plans are afoot for a new Pygame based
project (see https://github.com/ntoll/PyMerryChristmas for a Christmas
card from the dojo written with Pygame). The dojo has given me lots of
learning opportunities and a chance for community building - so good to
put names to faces/twitter accounts/IRC usernames etc...

I've been using Python for just over two years now and I can safely say
I'm having the most fun I've ever had as a developer. This year's
highlights have been:

* Delivering a large web-application built with Django for Fry-IT
* Creating / collaborating on lots of FluidDB related clients /
libraries: fluiddb.py, django-fluiddb, FOM (with Ali Afshar) and flimp.
* Joining Fluidinfo full time has meant my first contact with Twisted.
* Giving a hands-on Python workshop/tutorial to the NortHACKton guys.
* Exploring the wider Python ecosystem.
* Europython (at which I gave two talks and was great fun).

Here's hoping 2011 is a good one for us all.

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