[python-uk] Next Cambridge & East Anglia Meeting: Tue 3rd Nov 2009

Tony Ibbs tibs at tibsnjoan.co.uk
Wed Oct 28 21:22:19 CET 2009

Copying the message sent to the CamPUG Google Group:

The next CamPUG meeting will be a pub meeting, 8pm, at the Carlton  
Arms, Tuesday 3rd November (next week).

Meetings thereafter will be:

* Tue 2nd December. This will be a talks meeting, so any volunteers  
(as normal) to me or the group, please.
* Tue 5th January 2010. This will be a pub meeting - come and tell  
people about what Pythonic gifts you got for Christmas, or share new  
year resolutions to use more unit testing, or whatever.


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