[python-uk] 2nd London Python Dojo - 18:30 15 October 2009 at Fry-IT

Nicholas Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Oct 6 22:21:36 CEST 2009

Paul and Dave,

Yes, we've definitely taken on board the mouse/keyboard/editor  
comments from the feedback at the end of the last dojo. We've got  
desktop machine running XP and/or Linux in the office that we could  
use... alternatively, if you can bring a laptop that'd be great.

The reason I used my MacBook last time was because of the screen  
situation... I *knew for certain* that it worked pretty effortlessly  
with the projector and second monitor (a setup we want to use again).  
Unfortunately, I'd been trying to get X to work with an external  
monitor and ended up realising I'd rather stick forks in my eyes. ;-)

Anyway, here's how *I* imagine the setup to be to make participants as  
comfortable as possible (on my MacBook):

1) A single screen shared from the laptop to the projector and a third  
monitor that we'll stick towards the back of the room for those who  
can't follow what's going on at the front because they forgot their  
Opera glasses
2) A USB PC keyboard and mouse
3) A "visual" editor a la gEdit that is neutral in the editor wars...  
4) Python 2.6
5) Git

If anyone else would like to contribute a laptop/OS that'd be great.  
If you can make it work, we should use it and we can always fall back  
on my MacBook if all else fails.

As for IronPython... I suppose that'll need some thought before-hand  
for the purposes of configuration. I know the Resolver guys will be  
there to call on for help and I don't mind getting the thing to run on  
Mono on my MacBook, but I think the whole subject of IronPython/Jython/ 
Pypy and cPython alternatives might be a good subject for a show-and- 
tell type dojo (make your Python write once, run everywhere).

As always, comments, suggestions and good ideas are most welcome.


On 6 Oct 2009, at 17:26, Paul Nasrat wrote:

> 2009/10/6 Nicholas Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org>:
>> Hello Pythonistas,
>> Just a quick reminder that the second London Python Code Dojo will  
>> be taking
>> place 6:30pm next Thursday, 15th October at the same place as last  
>> time (the
>> offices of Fry-IT, address at the bottom - the pub over the road
>> afterwards).
>> This month's challenge is to create from scratch a Tic-tac-toe/ 
>> noughts and
>> crosses game with an AI opponent - the first test for which can be  
>> found
>> here:
>> http://github.com/ntoll/code-dojo/tree/master/tic-tack-toe/
> We discussed at the end of the dojo ensuring
> 1) a windows keyboard/mouse available if on a mac
> 2) a linux image with gedit, vim, emacs
> Do you want a custom livecd with python dev stuff/editors type setup
> or do you have a box available. I should have time this weekend to
> build an image to use at the dojo if that is desired (probably fedora
> or ubuntu).
> Paul
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